A Swedish VAT registration is required to be able to store goods on Swedish soil, and
thus to use the FBC service, according to EU VAT legislation.
CDON will not act as a tax advisor. For questions regarding VAT or other tax-related
areas CDON refers to the Swedish Tax Authorities ( www.skatteverket.se ), or certified
VAT/tax advisors. CDON has a partnership with MOMS FINANS Sweden AB (info@momsfinans.se), which assists several of our merchants with a wide variety of tax-related issues.
Commissions and service fees will be charged on all sales according to the Adherence
agreement. The agreement also stipulates payout intervals and other obligations
regarding sales on the marketplace. In CDON Connect you can find all relevant reports
regarding orders, payment files and settlement notes to reconcile the payout from CDON.
CDON will invoice the costs related to FBC on a monthly basis. CDON will also invoice
subscription fees on a quarterly basis. The invoices need to be paid manually to CDON,
and will not be withdrawn from the payment file as commission and service fee.
Chemical Tax
Since 1 July, 2017 the Swedish Tax authorities have issued a tax on chemicals in certain
electronic goods sold in Sweden. The aim is to reduce the occurrence and spread of, and
exposure to, dangerous chemicals in people’s homes.
For information regarding tax on chemicals in certain electronic products and if it is
applicable for your business please read more on the following urls: www.skatteverket.se
chemical tax Sweden
Private copying levy
Sales of storage products in Sweden may be subject to reporting and charges. For more
information regarding reporting and charges visit Copyswede website: copyswede
Private copying levy