What delivery options can I offer?
Multiple delivery options correlate with higher conversion rate
The CDON customer enjoys the possibility to choose between multiple delivery options and offering multiple delivery options correlate with higher conversion rates and more satisfied customers.
How to start offering home delivery
All products in your store must be eligible for home delivery. That is, you cannot offer home delivery merely for specific articles.
A solution to enable home delivery for selected products is in the making.
You must be able to deliver packages to every region of the selected country. That is, if you choose to offer home delivery in Sweden – you are expected to deliver your packages to all Swedes, regardless of their address.
After that you just have to contact your Account Manager and provide them with the following information:
- Title of delivery option
- Description (Optional)
- SKU to be used for delivery option
- Price
- Delivery time (min and max days)
Delivery options in Orders
Specific delivery options will be displayed as a separate order row, where the product ID is whatever you decided as the SKU and the product title will always be Postage.
The default delivery SKU is: 123456
We are currently working on updating the product title to display your specified title instead of Postage. Please note however, that the end customer always will see your title, and not Postage.